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TALK TO ME (2006)

The work consists of a video, and loudspeakers of different size and shape which are facing towards the wall. From these loudspeakers one hears the repeated request: Talk to me! At the same time, the video is showing the speaker with his back to the viewer.


The installation creates a space, a state of communication; its movement exists  in the margins of the gallery room, a performance limited by it’s duration and spatiality. The installation makes it possible for the viewers to share an experience. It searches for the meaningfulness of life, the possibility or impossibility of communication and confrontation. Occasionally the speaker disappears, then becoming visible in another place, always talking to the mute wall.


The work reflects the position of the individual as a member of a community, and one’s dependency on others. A good life can only exist in a community, in interaction with other people. To be heard and noticed is one of the fundamental experiences of being human, one which molds the whole personality. At the same time, through its verbal request the work invites the viewer to think about one’s own relationship with the members of society. 

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